Art and architecture dialogue series and seminar 2020
Seminar History of Art and Architecture, Professur Ursprung, ETH Zurich, with Dr. Nina Zschocke,
Dr. Helene Romakin
Guests: Metahaven, CAPTCHA, Lauren McCarthy
Don 18 From Microsoft to Microdosing built on a lecture series on “Digital Matter” taught by Nina Zschocke. “Digital Matters” posed questions on the materiality of the digital and the significance of digital media for the experience, use and production of real environments. The seminar explored the material dimension behind seemingly immaterial data flows, but also the question of the different ways in which new information and communication technologies change reality.
DON18 was an ongoing art and architecture dialogue series, which brought leading international practitioners to discuss timely issues, often related to courses being taught simultaneously in the Chair of Philip Ursprung, ETH Zurich.